How can I help Stop the Stigma?



It’s time to talk about child sexual exploitation.

You can help to stop the stigma by:

Discussion of child sexual abuse is uncomfortable but if we keep this a secret, nothing is going to change.

Report Abuse

  • If you believe a child is in imminent danger, call the police on Triple Zero (000) or visit your local police station.
  • If your child is experiencing issues online, it is essential to collect evidence - taking screenshots or photos of the content. Once you have collected your evidence, block and report on the app, site or platform where the issue occurred.
  • If you or someone you know is affected by physical child sexual abuse or exploitation including historical child sexual abuse, please report to police in your relevant state or territory.
  • Online child sexual exploitation can be reported to the ACCCE here, or by calling Crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.
  • Find out more about reporting here

Support Services

Victim support 

  • There is help available for people impacted by child sexual exploitation.
  • These avenues of support are available to help, listen and believe.
  • If you or someone you know are impacted by child sexual abuse or online child sexual exploitation there are support services available here

Listen and believe

You can support someone who is ready to talk to you about child sexual abuse. Here’s how:

  • Listen – give your full attention and be patient.
  • Reassure – let them know they are brave for speaking up and doing the right thing.
  • Support – ensure them they know it is not their fault.
  • Believe – let them know you believe them and want to help them being safe.
  • Explain – next steps, including accessing relevant support services

Education resources

ThinkUKnow AustraliaOpens ThinkUKnow Australia website in a new tab

An evidence-based education program led by the Australian Federal PoliceOpens Australian Federal Police website in a new tab (AFP), delivered nationally in partnership with police and industry partners to prevent online child sexual exploitation. They incorporate up-to-date research, real case studies and examples from reports made to the ACCCE.

The program is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated online child sexual exploitation material, online grooming, image-based abuse, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help-seeking behaviour. The program is delivered in partnership with the AFP, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Datacom and Microsoft Australia, and in collaboration with all State and Territory police and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.

Playing IT SafeOpens Playing IT Safe website in a new tab

An early learning initiative developed in partnership with the Australian Federal Police, the Alannah & Madeline FoundationOpens Alannah & Madeline Foundation website in a new tab and the eSafety Commissioner. Playing IT Safe aims to help parents, carers and educators teach prior to school-age children how to stay safe online.

Playing It Safe resources include an educator section including play-based activities for infants, toddlers and pre-school aged children, a parent/carer section with information sheets and a suite of digital interactive activities to play with children.

eSafety CommissionerOpens eSafety Commissioner website in a new tab

An independent statutory office supported by the Australian Communications and Media Authority that offers a suite of free training sessions and resources designed to help Australians have safer and more enjoyable online experiences.

Daniel Morcombe Foundation (DMF)Opens Daniel Morcombe Foundation (DMF) website in a new tab

The Daniel Morcombe Foundation provides personal child safety education to children and young people to prevent abuse and promote lifelong health and wellbeing. We support educators, parents and carers through the provision of resourcesOpens provision of resources website in a new tab and education and also directly support young victims of crime.

BraveheartsOpens Bravehearts website in a new tab

The leader in personal safety education in Australia, offering a range of programs targeted at children from early years right through to high school. Our programs are professionally developed according to the learning needs of each specific age group and are highly trusted and acclaimed by teachers and parents nationwide.

Carly Ryan Foundation (CRF)Opens Carly Ryan Foundation (CRF) website in a new tab

A certified online safety program provider under the Office of the eSafety Commissioner and delivers online safety and healthy relationship seminars to students and parents. The organisation also provides a range of services and support in the areas of internet safety and crime, cyberbullying, connection to resources and counselling and contributing to law and policy reform.

Act for KidsOpens Act for Kids website in a new tab

An Australian charity providing free therapy and support services to children and families who have experienced, or are at risk of child abuse and neglect. Act for Kids have helped thousands of children and families for over 30 years. They operate over 28 centres with a team of over 430 staff from Adelaide all the way up to the Cape York Peninsula. Services include integrated therapy, support for vulnerable families, special workshops to empower kids and safe houses in remote Aboriginal communities.

We thank the official partners of Stop the Stigma

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