Support for families in the Australian Capital Territory


Should you feel that you and your family require support, the following services can provide you with practical, non-judgmental information, advice, confidential peer support and counselling.

Please consult your General Practitioner (GP) for further information and to ask for referrals if required.

If your life is in danger or a person is highly distressed, feeling unsafe and you think they are a risk to you or themselves, dial 000 for immediate assistance.

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National support services

Child Wise

Child Wise offers information, support, counselling and advice from trained counsellors to help people deal with concerns relating to child sexual abuse and exploitation. If you have experienced child abuse in an institutional context you can contact the Child Wise Helpline.

1800 99 10 99 (operates 9am-5pm M-S)

The Salvation Army 

The Salvation Army assists families experiencing a sudden crisis in need of financial assistance (food, travel, water, phone, rates, clothing, etc).

1300 371 288 (operates  9am-5pm AEST M-F)

ACT: (02) 8775 7987


Lifeline provides a telephone and online counselling service for anyone who is experiencing a personal crisis, contemplating suicide or caring for someone in crisis.

13 11 14 (operates  24/7)

1800 Respect 

Dial for sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling, information and referrals.

1800 737 732 (operates 24/7)

Beyond Blue 

Beyond Blue provides a confidential phone or online service offering support and counselling by trained mental health professionals.

1300 22 46 36 (operates 24/7)

Blue Knot Foundation 

Blue Knot Helpline and Redress Support Service provides specialist trauma counselling, support, information and referrals to adults who have experienced childhood trauma.

1300 657 380 (operates 9am-5pm M-S)


Support services in the ACT

Access Mental Health

Offers free telephone assistance to anyone who is concerned about their mental health or needs immediate support. The service provides a streamlined process for mental health screening, telephone assessment and referral to health services.

1800 629 354 (operates 24/7)
02 6205 1065 (operates 24/7)

Parentline ACT

Offers free telephone and face-to-face confidential counselling services to parents and carers.

(02) 6287 3833 (operates 9am-5pm, M-F)

ACT Child and Youth Protection Services

Provides support to children, young people and families.

13 22 81

Canberra Rape Crisis Centre

Offers free, confidential counselling and support to women and children who have experienced any form of sexual assault. The Centre also offers counselling and support to men over 16yrs who have experienced sexual assault or childhood sexual abuse (SAMSSA program).

(02) 6247 2525 (operates 7am-11pm M-S)


Support for children and young people

Kids Helpline

Offers a free, confidential telephone and online counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years.

1800 55 1800 (operates 24/7)


Offers a free telephone service providing information, counselling and support to those affected by child sexual abuse.

1800 272 831 (operates 8.30am-4.30pm M-F)

Australian Childhood Foundation

Provides support to children and families affected by abuse, family violence and neglect and offers counselling, therapeutic care, research activities and parenting education.

1300 381 581


Provides free, confidential telephone or online mental health support to 12-25 year olds or their families. Visit the website to find a headspace centre in your state.

1800 650 890


Is an online service that provides information, support and resources about mental health issues for young people and their parents.


Learn more 

If you are concerned about your child’s mental health or behaviour, speak to your GP. Your GP can provide you with an appropriate counselling referral or further information on any of the above services and more.


Please note, neither the Australian Federal Police nor the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation recommends or endorses any of the listed services. This information is provided should you feel you require assistance or support.

Salvation army logoBeyond blue logoAustralian Childhood foundation logoBlue Knot foundation logo1800 Respect logoBravehearts logoLifeline logoHeadspace logoKids helpline logoReachout logo