A form of online blackmail where someone
tricks you into sending your sexual images
then threatens to share them unless their
demands are met.

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Have you seen inappropriate behaviour towards children online?


Including the suspected use of technology to facilitate the sexual abuse of a child, production or sharing of child sexual abuse material online.

Report abuse Find out more about what to report

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We need your help in the fight against online child sexual exploitation. Help us to identify objects taken from the background of child sexual abuse images.
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Did you know?

The ACCCE received 58,503 reports of child sexual exploitation in the 2023-24 financial year.
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Newsletter December 2020

Welcome to the final edition of the ACCCE newsletter for 2020. As the year draws to a close, we’re taking time to reflect on ‘our people’ which also happens to be the theme of this edition. It is only with the unwavering efforts and resolve of our people that we can rise together to fight against online child sexual exploitation.